Daniel Assumpcao, Knaut, Can , Knall, Erik , Bekenstein, Rivka , Gong, Wenjie , Machielse, Bartholomeus , Levonian, David , Stas, Pieter-Jan , Huan, Yan Qi, Riedinger, Ralf , and others, . 2022. “Coherent Single Photon Source In An Integrated Diamond Nanophotonic System”. In Cleo: Qels_Fundamental Science, Pp. FW5F–2. Optica Publishing Group.
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Rivka Bekenstein, Pikovski, Igor , Pichler, Hannes , Shahmoon, Ephraim , Yelin, Susanne F, and Lukin, Mikhail D. 2020. “Quantum Metasurfaces With Atom Arrays”. Nature Physics, 16, Pp. 676–681.
Rivka Bekenstein, Kabessa, Yossef , Sharabi, Yonatan , Tal, Or , Engheta, Nader , Eisenstein, Gadi , Agranat, Aharon J, and Segev, Mordechai . 2017. “Control Of Light By Curved Space In Nanophotonic Structures”. Nature Photonics, 11, Pp. 664–670.
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