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Rivka Bekenstein, Kabessa, Yossef , Sharabi, Yonatan , Tal, Or , Engheta, Nader , Eisenstein, Gadi , Agranat, Aharon J, and Segev, Mordechai . 2016. “Curved Space Nanophotonics Inspired By General Relativity”. In 2016 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (Cleo), Pp. 1–2. IEEE.
Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Lustig, Eran , Bekenstein, Rivka , Sheinfux, Hanan Herzig, Lumer, Yaakov , and Segev, Mordechai . 2016. “Dynamic Localization By Curved Space”. In Cleo: Qels_Fundamental Science, Pp. FM3D–8. Optica Publishing Group.
Rivka Bekenstein, Bandres, Miguel A, Cohen, Eliahu , Cohen, Moshe-Ishay , Rothschild, Carmel , Torner, Lluís , and Segev, Mordechai . 2016. “Frame Dragging In Optical Newton-Schrödinger System?”. In Cleo: Qels_Fundamental Science, Pp. FF1A–3. Optica Publishing Group.
Mordechai Segev, Bandres, Miguel A, Harari, Gal , Plotnik, Yonatan , Herzig-Sheinfux, Hanan , Lustig, Eran , Bekenstein, Rivka , and Rechtsman, Mikael C. 2016. “New Ideas On Photonic Topological Insulators”. In Laser Science, Pp. LF5I–3. Optica Publishing Group.
Anatoly Patsyk, Bekenstein, Rivka , Bandres, Miguel A, Nemirovsky, Jonathan , and Segev, Mordechai . 2016. “Nondiffracting Accelerating Beams On Spherical Surfaces”. In Cleo: Qels_Fundamental Science, Pp. FW1A–2. Optica Publishing Group.
Eran Lustig, Cohen, Moshe Ishay, Bekenstein, Rivka , Bandres, Miguel A, Harari, Gal , and Segev, Mordechai . 2016. “Photonic Topological Dynamics Induced By Curved Surfaces”. In Cleo: Qels_Fundamental Science, Pp. FM3A–7. Optica Publishing Group.